Reworked game system
Added use of Data Assets and Tables for weapons and characters
Implemented Inventory system
Removed Elven Ruins Content to save space
A Military Veteran Owned Company
Reworked game system
Added use of Data Assets and Tables for weapons and characters
Implemented Inventory system
Removed Elven Ruins Content to save space
Made MM_Unarmed_Jump_Fall_Land an additive animation
Fixed AI’s melee montage not playing
Removed Mannequin Material and Unused Meshes to save some disk space.
Fixed gamepad support for the join menu
Removed player movement input from B_BaseCharacter and added it to the B_PlayerCharacter
Added BPI_PlayerState
Replaced event dispatches with interfaces to reduce size maps
Added additional functions to DealDamage event from BC_StatsComp which implements score functionality
Added score functionality to B_Base_PlayerState
Added Score Tracker to GameplayHUD
Reduced complexity of initialization blueprints in BC_PlayerHUDComp
Removed CallClientGetCurrentAmmoForHUD from CharacterBase and Interfaces and did a direct pull to the PlayerHUDComp instead
input mapping context is now a variable in Character instead of in the controller
Made blueprint changes to reduce size maps (replaced BaseCharacter references
Changed AnimBPs to utilize Alias States
Added mouse functionality outside the menus (in game playing as character)
Added a switch weapon montage to the switch weapon functionality
Added new blueprint RifleAI now enabling AI to fire weapon equipped – RifleAI will wait and focus on player once player is seen, run around players last known location once player is unseen
Added functionality to have B_RifleAI start with a weapon
Added custom events for the weapon component to make AI friendly.
Added new AIShooter controller
AI controller no longer sets the focus, this is now done in behavior tree
Added EQS to AI
Created a basic patrol route for rifle AI
Added alert state to B_Base_AI
Added services for behavior trees
Added status data table
Made EQC_Player blueprint
Added new AI Tasks
Changed BB_Fighter name to BB_Base
Removed on target perception updated event from AIControllerBase (This functionality is now done by a Behavior tree) service
Added BT_RiflePatrol blueprint